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He signed his own death warrant.

Shape up or ship out.

She couldn't tear herself away(from sth./sb.).

He wasn't sure how the news would go over.

Some like it hot.



A sucker is born every minute.

The company blazed a trail in designing software.

They couldn't make head or tail of it.

He's fishing for an invitation.

Sylvia put on a new outfit and said to DZ, "Oh, I look fat."
DZ said,"No, you don't look fat; you look fantastic."
See, this was how Sylvia fished for compliment.

He made short work of his opponent.

There is another meaning of "make short work of" which is "finish sth. in very short time."
For example: The girl made short work of the book Jane Eyre.
Oh, that's definitely not me. I think it would take several months for me to finish that book.


回复 7# 的帖子

Thank you for your support.


I only want to say "thank you,dear"



The first step is the hardest.

Her enthusiasm rubbed off on him.

They played it just for kicks.

He took it with a grain of salt.

Don't spread yourself too thin.



He was wet behind the ears.
他太“嫩”了 。

Ignorance is bliss.

He's not afraid to speak his mind.

What are you driving at?

He showed his true colors.


  • tingroom



She set him straight.

She was sawing logs all night.

Talk is cheap.

He gave her a snow job.

It was a labor of love.

[ 本帖最后由 Sylvia_scj 于 2008-3-30 12:27 PM 编辑 ]


  • DZ



It has stood the test of time.

This is the sentence you could say about Notre Dame de Paris, because it has already stood for 750 years. It has seen two World Wars and the French Revolution. It's not destroyed. And over the years, it still remains as the symbol not only of French and European history and culture, but of the special place you want to go, even there are many taller and more splendid churches around the world today. Another example: In western schools, people still learn Shakespeare. Many people still read Shakespeare, still love Shakespeare. They make movies out of his plays; they put on his plays: we can say Shakespeare's works have stood the test of time.

Fortune favors the brave.

If you are brave enough to pursue what you want, to pursue your dreams, your hopes and your wishes, maybe you will be rewarded in the end. At least, people who try to go for their dreams will be rewarded more so than people who are too timid or think hard to do so. Originally, fortune was Fortuna, the goddess of fortune. She will favor you if you are brave. People who are timid will not earn the favor of fortune.

He was at his wits' end.

Sometimes we also hear that someone is at the end of his rope. He doesn't know what to do; he doesn't know what's going on. Your wits are your keen sense of judgement, your smarts, your ability to think and to react – those are your wits. And suddenly you don't know how to think anymore: you are at your wits' end. If you are at your wits' end about learning English, you'd better join tingroom.com, because she can certainly help you out.

That did the trick.

We are not talking about a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. We are talking about something that really works well for a particular situation. It's exactly what you needed in that circumstance. Maybe you have an engine trouble with your car, you could spend a lot of money on fixing it, or maybe you just need a little solution, a five dollar solution for fixing your car, and if it works, you can say: that did the trick. And it could even be simple as you sitting in an uneven chair, what you could do is to take a piece of paper, fold it ten times, and put it under one of the chair legs, then suddenly your chair is stable. So, that did the trick.

He's swimming against the stream.

While you do that, you are gonna have a hard time. It sounds like a salmon. Why do salmons swim against the stream? Well, when salmons are out in the sea, they feel the call of nature to go back to the place where they were born, the very birth place, the pond of water where they are originated. To get there, they have to swim against the stream, they can't swim with the flow of water, and that's usually a long and arduous journey. We are not talking of salmon here, but the feelings are kind of the same. We have another expression in English: we say 'go with the stream', which means to do what everyone is doing. And if you don't want to do that, if that goes against everything you believe, you will be a person who swims against the stream: you have your own ideas.


  • DZ



Variety is the spice of life.

That worker's not worth his salt.

He must be a terrible worker. We usually say that if somebody is not pulling his own weight. 'Worth his salt' actually comes from the ancient Roman times or maybe even before that when people used salt like money. If you were a worker and worked as a miner or something, they would pay you in salt and you could buy other things through salt. So if you are not worth your salt, you are not worth the money they are paying you. You are not earning your keep. So that means you are not working hard enough or you are not doing your job. If somebody is doing his job or maybe even going the extra mile, you might say he is worth his weight in gold. And that's the opposite.

I feel like a million dollars.

You might also hear: I feel like a million bucks. Either one can mean you feel great. Of course a million dollars doesn't have any feelings. But, if you had a million dollars or somebody gave you a million dollars, you certainly would feel great. That's what this expression comes from. And you might also hear: you look like a million dollars. That might mean you are wearing a fantastic suit or very elegant dress. And it also might mean you look very healthy; you look vibrant; your skin is glowing; and you look like the perfect picture of health.

This problem is a real monkey on my back.

That really fits the bill.

You found something exactly what you had in mind. It's perfectly suitable for whatever you are doing. For example, on a Friday night, if you had a long week at work, maybe you don't want to go out and drink or party or go dancing. Now, someone suggests, "Hey, let's have a quiet dinner, a nice movie and go home for sleep." You would say, "Oh! That fits the bill." Or, you are looking for a cellphone, a new cellphone that does everything you want it to do. It not only sends voice messages, but also sends text messages, or even sends pictures, you would say: The new cellphone really fits the bill. It does exactly what I needed it to do.


  • DZ

