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House with Trees

When we were in America visiting friends and relatives last month, we visited some friends whose backyard was full of trees. Let me tell you what I like about their house.

From their dining room, you can see their backyard through the windows. They have a bird feeder hanging from a pole. And if you are quiet and patient, you can wait for birds to come. I saw a beautiful bird with blue feathers. It was beautiful. They have a book that shows different kinds of birds. So when you see a bird, you can look it up in the book and know what kind it is.

There is a cat that tries to catch the birds. But I did not see it catch any. Sometimes my dog Buster also tries to catch birds when we take him to the beach. But I told him not to because that is not nice to the birds.

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Sunset with Buster

Buster and I love summer. One day last summer, my family and I took Buster to the beach. It was warm and sunny, and Buster liked looking around the beach. He started smelling the sand and it made his nose itchy. He tried getting the sand off with his paw, but his paw was covered with sand too. I had to wipe his nose off with a towel to get all that itchy sand off.

When Buster and I were done playing, my parents and I packed up our things and we all went up on a small hill to watch the sunset. Buster sat there quietly and looked at the sunset. He was too tired to run around any more. I think the pretty sunset made him happy. It made me very tired. I was sad when the sun was gone, because I wanted to play more at the beach. But whether I'm at the beach or not, I can still have fun with my dog, Buster.
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Cinnamon and Pepper Take a Ride

Cinnamon and Pepper are the names of our birds. Pepper is yellow and Cinnamon is gray.  

One day, While my mom was taking pictures of Mimi and our birds, she said, "Can we do something exciting with the birds? After a while it gets boring taking pictures of the birds when they're only inside of their cage."  

Then we had an idea. We would put Cinnamon and Pepper on Mimi! So, we got the birds out of their cage and put them on her back. She was scared, and she walked over to us with her head down and her tail between her legs. She was so scared that when she got to us, she put her head in my lap and started whining! When Mimi moved, our two birds also became scared and started chirping very loudly! This made Mimi even more scared.  

We took the birds off of her and gave her a few dog treats.
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Mimi Home Alone

Whenever my family and I go out of town, we need to get a pet-sitter for Mimi. Usually we ask our next-door neighbor, Emi, to do it for us. The last time she did it for us, this is what she said happened:

When Emi went over to feed her, Mimi started to bark. But when Mimi realized that Emi was feeding her, her head dropped and her tail sagged. She knew that every time Emi went to feed her instead of us doing it, that meant that we wouldnˇt be back for a while, and that was not good. She would whine to Emi and when Emi went home, she would go to one of our neighborsˇ house. They would pet her and even give her treats.

When we got back home, she jumped on us and licked us. She was happy we were finally back home again.
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Mimi Gets A Haircut

One bright, hot, summer day, my mom spent a lot of time vacuuming up Mimi's hair. She was tired of always having to clean up the hair that Mimi shed. So she told us that she wanted to give Mimi a haircut. We looked through the phonebook for a store that would give a dog a haircut. We saw a lot of places, but there was one that we liked best. It said that we could shave Mimi ourselves.

When we arrived there, we had to pull her out of the car into the shop. Mimi didn't like the shop. She refused to walk, so we had to slide her across the floor. They gave us a razor to shave off her long fur. After her haircut, we gave her a bath and then dried her off. When we were done, we put her collar back on, hooked her leash on her collar, and she ran out of the shop and jumped in the car.
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Mimi's New Shoes

On rainy days when Mimi came in the house, she would track mud and dirt everywhere. Sometimes, you could even see where Mimi had gone! My mom did not like it when Mimi tracked mud and dirt into the house. One day my mom decided that she would buy some dog shoes for Mimi.

When my mom came home, we saw that her new shoes were purple. My mom said that it would look very good with Mimi's fur. So, we put them on her paws. Mimi felt very strange in her new shoes. When she tried to walk, she kept on slipping. She lifted her feet high when she walked, hoping that they would fall off her paws. Mimi did not like her new shoes.

When Mimi came into the house, her shoes were dirty, but her paws were clean. Mimi would not track in any dirt, so my mom liked them for the first few hours. But then we realized how much Mimi hated them. So we decided to take them off. Mimi was very happy that the shoes were finally off.
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Buster and His Bone

The last time I was at a store with mommy, she bought a big bone for Buster. Buster likes lying down and chewing on his bone. When I went to America, one of my friends that I visited had a dog who liked bones too. My friend's dog has small bones, because he is a small dog. That dog liked to bury his bones in my friend's yard. We do not have a yard for Buster to bury his bone in, but I am glad Buster does not bury his bone, because he would get dirty burying his bone. I would probably have to clean him up. Daddy would not like it if Buster came inside and made the floors dirty.

Buster's bone felt very hard when I gave it to him. I was worried that Buster might hurt his teeth, but Mommy told me that chewing a hard bone would not hurt his teeth.
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Buster and His Toy

Buster likes to play games. His favorite game is wrestling. He has a toy that looks like a rope, with two knots tied on either end of it. This is the toy that we use to play wrestling. Buster grabs one knot with his mouth, and I grab the other knot with my hands. We both start pulling, and if I pull it out of his mouth, I win. If he pulls it out of my hands, he wins. When Buster pulls the toy out of my hands, sometimes I fall down backwards.

After I am done playing, I let him take the toy, and I walk away. Then Buster likes to go lie down and chew on his toy. I do not want to play wrestling with him when he does that, because he makes the toy very wet.
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Buster Likes Our Food

Buster has his own bowl for food. Usually we feed him dog food. He eats a lot and we have to buy big bags of it. His food is dry and crunchy. I have never tried it, but I know it is crunchy because when he chews on it, it sounds like me biting on a crunchy cookie. He needs to eat dog food because it has things it in like vitamins that are good for him.

Sometimes we also give him something from our food. And he really likes it. Sometimes we throw it up in the air for him to catch with his mouth. At first he would miss, and it would drop onto the floor. But nowadays he is very good at catching it. But we don't feed him from our food that much because he needs to eat his own food.
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