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发表于 2007-12-26 10:49
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listen this way 1 unit 4
PartI Getting ready
1.man: What time do you have?
Woman: I have a quarter to five.
Man: Excuse me? What’s the time?
Woman: A quarter to five.
2.woman: What time is it?
Man: it’s 10:15.
Woman: are you sure? My watch has 10;30.
Man: your watch must be fast. I have just set time by the radio.
3.woman: could you give me the time?
Man: it’s 7:05 exactly.
4.man: what time have you got?
Woman: about 4:30.
5.man: can that clock be right? 2:55?
Woman: that clock is always off. It’s 3 o’clock sharp.
6. woman: check the time. There’s a clock in the kitchen.
Man: it’s a little before eleven.
7. woman: are we going to be late?
Man: we will be unless we hurry.
Woman: when does the movie start?
Man: at 6:40. we’ve got fifteen minutes to get there.
8. man: do you have the time?
Woman: about three-twenty-five.
Man: oh. No. I’m late. I have an appointment in twenty minutes.
Woman: don’t worry. I’ll drive you wherever you have to go.
Part II local time
Ladies and gentlemen. May we kindly ask you to remain seated until the aircraft has reached its final position. The temperature here in London is 15 ℃ or 59 ℉. The exact local time is 11:35. Captain Smith and his crew would like to say goodbye to you. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Thank you.
B & C:
telephonist: hello. Santos Trading.
Mr. wong: oh, hello. This is Mr. Wong here, calling from Singapore.
T: yes, Mr. Wong, who do you want to speak to?
M: Um…I’d like to speak to Mrs. Cox , please?
T: Fine, putting you through.
Woman: hello, can I help you?
M: oh, hello. This is mr. wong calling from Singapore. Er… may I speak to mrs. Cox. Please?
W h, I’m afraid mrs. Cox is away. She has the flu and she may not be back in the office till Monday. I expect her assistant, mr. box, can help. I’ll just see if he’s in his office. Hold on a moment, please. … hello, mr. wong?
M: yes.
W: I’m very sorry, he’s out just now. can I take a message for him?
M: oh, yes, please. Will you tell him I won’t be arriving in Melbourne until quite late this Saturday, at 1 a. m. local time. And will mrs. Cox still be able to meet me?
W: right.
M: and also inform the royal hotel that I’ll be arriveing very late.
W: sure.
M: oh. Wonderful, thanks. Could you please … er … telex or phone me to confirm that this is possible?
W: right, I … I’ll take the message. I’ll give it to mr. box and I’m sure he’ll be in touch with you. Thank you very much. Mr. Wong.
M: thank you.
Part III ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen. If I can have your attention for a moment please? I have the final notices for this final session of the conference. Now, first of all, I’d like to mention that the urban pollution session has been very popular so we are moving the final discussion to Room 201. That’s Room 201. Which means (that) the domestic shelter session will be changed from Room 201 to room 304. That’s the domestic shelter session in Room 304. I hope everybody’s got that.
Now I have a notice here that you must return your keys to the porter’s lodge before you leave. So anybody who has forgotten to bring them with you , please get them and return them before you leave. Thank you.
Turning now to your discussion records, I would like to see you return them to the session chairpeople by 5 o’clock this afternoon. That’s 17 hundred hours. Thank you.
Regarding coaches for the airport, … ah … they will be gathering outside the Kennedy Building at 3:30. That’s … ah … 15:30 hours. And there’ll be another one a little later than that at 15 hour … that’s 17:15. That’s 5:15. I’d like to ask you all to be there, ready for the buses, at least 5 minutes before the departure times. So we can all leave promptly and everybody will get home on time. Thank you.
I have particular messages for … ah … Dr. Schap … Schapsinger and Dr. Garbeldi and Dr. Surinander. I’d like to ask you three … Are you here Dr. Schapsinger? Dr. Garbeldi? Yes. And Dr. Surinander? I’d like to ask you to collect your reprints from the conference desk before you leave. Thank you.
Finally I have a reminder from Dr. Goldman of the Chicago Institute that the Sixth Annual Convention of PES will be held in Hawaii in October 1986. I think you’ll all be … ah … interested in marking that day in your calendar. That’s the Sixth Annual Convention of PES, 86, October. And I’d like anybody that’s interested in that conference to leave your name at the conference desk. Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen. I know it has been a (very) happy event for me, this conference. And I hope that you too have found it a happy and productive time. Thank you all for coming.
PartV raido announcement
announcer: And now here are some of the things you can listen to this evening here on Radio 2. Our Wednesday play is at nine and is called Old People Talking; it’s about a small group of old age pensioners sitting in a social club remembering the past. Before that at 7:30 we have “My Favourite Discs” in which Jenny Lindley talks about the records that influenced her musical career. At 10:30 there is an account by James Farmer of his travels in middle east by bicycle and at 11:00 there’s a service from st. paul’s. on radio 3 the big event of the evening is the broadcast of la traviata from the albert hall; it’s at 9:00 and it has felicity newcombe in the major role. The interval talk at 9:15 is perter morris remembering his adventures while fishing in Scotland. Rodio 1 has as usual continuous pop music; from 6 to 8 it’s the tommy brian show with interviews with live pop stars; from 10 till midnight it’s joe newland with his friends. So if you’re in for the evening or listening on the car radio there should be something for you; stay tuned. |