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Talking Frog(会说话的青蛙 )

Talking Frog(会说话的青蛙 )

A guy is taking a walk and sees a frog on the side of the  road. As he comes closer, the frog starts to talk.
"Kiss me and I will turn into a princess." The guy picks the frog up and puts it in his pocket.The frog starts shouting, "Hey! Didn't you hear me? I'm a Princess. Just kiss me and I will be yours." The guy takes the frog out of his pocket and smiles at it and puts it back. The frog is really frustrated. "I don't get it. Why won't you kiss me? I will turn into a
beautiful princess and do anything you ask." The guy says, "Look, I'm a computer geek. I don't have time for girls. But a talking frog is cool!"


computer geek 计算机浪人

geek [gi:k] n.  反常人, 电脑迷, 杂技团表演者.“ geek”是“ 极客”的同义词。“极客”是来自英文"Geek"一词的翻译,又译作“奇客”。以前是对那些残忍的马戏表演者和令人厌恶的不食人间烟火的计算机癖的老式称谓,用以形容他们的自由思想和离经叛道的计算机嬉皮士的形象。很长时间在西方文化里geek的意思一直偏向鄙意,在PC革命初期,Geek开始衍生为一般人对电脑黑客的贬称,他们具有极高的技术能力,对计算机与网络的痴迷有时会达到不正常的状态。但如今,随着互联网的日益普及,那些一直被视为怪异者的边缘人物,突然被历史之手推向舞台的中央,转变成为社会主流。Geek们自己却对“局外人”身分感到骄傲,宗教一样强烈信仰科技的力量。

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Hoping everybody who has read this passage could leave something behind!thanks.


回复 3# 小钰钰

    i think the frog is so cute,and if i'am that man i will kiss it ,but i'am  female so i hope it will  turn into a prince!


回复 6# liuxianting


