Singh is a taxi driver. He says he would not use any other vehicle in his work. He says everyone likes it, it is a very comfortable car. He has driven only the Ambassador for 50 years. Mr. Singh was very sad when Hindustan Motors announced the end of production for the Ambassador. The company says its decision is the result of low demand and lack of money. Singh是一名出租车司机,他称自己在工作中不开其他牌子的汽车.他还说所有人都喜欢这车,它是一款十分舒适的车.他50多年来只开"大使"牌汽车.Singh先生称当印度斯坦汽车公司宣布停产"大使"牌汽车时他很伤心.公司称该决定是由于该车需求不振和资金短缺. _________________________